The Vision...
Anna Pike is a passionate potter and the co-founder of Wildflower Ceramics, a thriving business that she and her husband, Chris Pike, have built from the ground up. What started as a simple hobby for Anna in 2019, during her time as a dedicated stay-at-home mom of four kids, quickly transformed into a remarkable journey of creativity, purpose, and social impact.
Anna's fascination with pottery began as a form of personal expression and a means to unwind from the demands of motherhood. As she sharpened her skills and poured her heart into each ceramic creation, she realized the joy and fulfillment it brought her. Encouraged by her family and friends, she began to explore the possibility of turning her hobby into a business.
Recognizing the potential of Anna's talent and their shared vision for a purpose-driven enterprise, Chris Pike made the big decision to join forces with his wife and pursue Wildflower Ceramics full-time. Together, they have transformed their business to have a much larger purpose: making a tangible difference in the lives of oppressed women and children.
Driven by a deep sense of compassion and empathy, Anna and Chris committed themselves to supporting organizations that fight against human trafficking and advocate for the rights and empowerment of marginalized women and children. With a heartfelt commitment, they decided to donate a significant portion—20%—of Wildflower Ceramics' profits to these noble causes.
Their dream extends beyond financial contributions. As their business flourishes and expands, Anna and Chris aspire to provide dignified work and fair wages to women and men who have survived unimaginable hardships. They envision a future where Wildflower Ceramics can serve as a beacon of hope, employing women and men from these situations and offering them a fresh start and a chance to rebuild their lives.
Wildflower Ceramics has become a vessel for change and a catalyst for social transformation. With each piece they create, the hope is to spread awareness, foster compassion, and inspire others to join them in their mission.
Anna's journey from a stay-at-home mom with a passion for pottery to the co-founder of Wildflower Ceramics demonstrates the power of pursuing your passions and embracing a larger purpose. Anna and Chris are not only crafting beautiful ceramics but also weaving together a tapestry of hope, empowerment, and love for the most vulnerable members of society.